even when she's cranky...she's perfect. in my eyes anyways. i don't mean that she's 'perfect' i mean that she's just mine, fabulous, wonderful, beautiful, sweet, kind, and sometimes cranky. the poor babe has another molar coming in and it's really paining her. she woke today at 5 and went down for a nap at 730, woke at 840 and went back down at 1122. she woke at 1218 and went back down at 1245. i tried juice, milk, popsicles and mac and cheese. she wanted none of it. so another dose of tylenol and anbesol for her poor baby gums and back to nappyland she went.
i feel so helpless when she looks at me with those giant eyes filled with gumdrop sized tears. but i can see the tooth pushing it's way through so i know that the pain won't be around too long.
my poor girl.