Friday, May 06, 2005

dog food eating baby

so who would have thought a 7 month old would eat dog food with such a feverous pitch!??? she was too cute and totally knew what she was up to.

you know that 'its too quiet' sound? where there's no sound at all? yeah...thats what i heard when i turned around to see her face hovering over bill's bowl with a mouth full of kibble! she had the biggest shit eating grin on her face as if to say "thanks for the snacks mom!!". so proud of herself! so as i laugh hysterically and walk towards her to stop her she grabs another handful and stuffs it in those hamster cheeks of hers! i mean does a 7 month old know how to be defiant? so i pick her up and bring her to the sink so i can scoop the food out and she's giggling and im laughing wiping her mouth. just when i thought i got it all out...she pulls a piece from the back of her a psych patient hiding their pills and starts chewing on it...again!! ahhahahahhah! oh she is too clever.

thankfully the boy didn't catch her or he would have given us his walking papers! there's a strict code of conduct and since there was no paperwork submitted regarding the 7 month old eating his food...we would have been in violation of the conduct code. and oh the trouble that would have ensued. it's bad enough that we're having a 'puppy party' here today to visit with his new potential sister and her other siblings. rain - rain go away!! the puppies want to romp in the yard today!!

ps - i dedicate this to my fabulous new mommy friend who inspired me from the moment i met her...

1 comment:

nita said...

oh my gosh. we are SUCH a mutual admiration society!!!