Thursday, May 26, 2005

Nursery Rhyme

rain rain go away...even though i love the soothes me...i really should be living in london...

its been a hellovaweek...

there's been life and death around the 'hood in this last week or so. i've been too crazy to blog or even think of blogging. until today...everyone sleeps right boobah and our new addition...the puppygirl-Kate.

my poor neighbors. they are now survivors of suicide. their son and their brother shot himself last monday night. the police came to my house on tuesday afternoon asking me to rush over to help them because they had just found out. they went to the place where he had done it and found him...well his poor, sweet sister found him. what an ordeal. she'll never be the same...ever again. the wake and funeral were this weekend and now that it's over seems like everyone has forgotten about them. even though i know they haven't it seems like no one is coming around to the house like they did just after it happened. so we're all popping by there for an hour here and there just to keep an eye on them and to offer continued support. god knows they're going to need it.

friends of ours had a baby girl last week which is always a ray of sunshine. and we got our new puppy!! she's our 9 week old, 5 lb all white pitbull. oh she's just so cute and very mischevious. billydog isn't so thrilled with her but he'll warm up to her eventually. he'll sniff her crate and her but then just walk away like she doesn't exist. as long as we keep the food separate everything should be fine.

in other news...boobah has sprouted 2 bottom teeth. and i must say (knock on wood) that she's doing quite nicely with them. mild discomfort it seems but she sleeps (god bless children's tylenol) through the night and naps solidly. we have playdates with some of the best women (and the best children) that i know. i am beyond lucky to have been able to find such wonderful girlfriends at this point in my life. i have my soulmates from college (yes a sorority girl at heart here) and allouicious from the 'tech. but i never thought id be lucky enough to find another batch of women who i can see myself being close friends with for the rest of my life...until i took the yoga class. halleluja!! to organize, sanitize, and prioritize...then off to be weighed!! feeling optimistic today! cross your fingers for me!

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Thirty Two

woke up - slept a little later thanks to my fabu hubby who got up with boobah
made chicken soup and blueberry bread for my friend who just had a baby
went to the gym - gotta love the ladies who wear full makeup, jewelery to the gym...oh and the people who have never before joined a gym who are so excited that there's a new gym in their neighborhood - they pick up every phamplet and flyer at the front desk...walk to the first treadmill they find - hang their purse on the handles of the treadmill..(because that'll be fun when it falls off - open - and all of their personal effects go flying down the fast rolling treamill belt) and proceed to stare blankly at the treadmill panel for 15 minutes - trying for the life of them to figure out how it works. (looking around to see if they can figure out by looking at someone else) then EUREKA! they miraculously get it 1.0 miles an's barely a saunter...let alone some kind of workout...but they're moving...and then they settle in (while wearing hot pink leggings...yes the kind with the super tight ankle...and a knee length sweatshirt - complete with sparkly puffy paint flowers all over it) while moving at a snails pace to thoroughly read top to bottom and side to side every piece of advertisement and aerobics schedule there is that they picked up when they came in...did i mention how much i love french braided mullets?
whole foods - a la Peoples Republic of Cambridge...gotta love it...right here around the corner from me...all the patchouli oil and herbal supplements i could ever ask for!!
old navy - performance fleece and $10 bathing suits...does it get any better than that?

dunkin donuts - a good morning - youa likea trya combo?
visit my friend who just had a baby - bring chicken soup and blueberry bread
tried to get boobah to nap-unsuccessfully - poor girl is teething - YEOWCH!
had friends over to celebrate bday...ate chicken and onion rings - got great gifts! MONEY and most importantly a Bloomies gift card...thanks to my fabulous and sassy friend Alouicious...oh she knows me all too well...these days if i have money i spend it on the kitchen or the house or the boobah...she knows that i'll spend the bloomies money on me!! YEAH!! and just for the not breaking up my long standing love affair with M.A.C. i'm just playing around with the neutral world of Bobbie dont worry my friend! the M.A.C. lover is still in me!!


Saturday, May 14, 2005

The Saleing Club

And no...I don't mean the SAILING in Yachting at Bushwood Country Club...

Ok Pookie...

What I mean is Yard Salers...we had a yard sale on Saturday...and! i've never been to one and i've never had one. but i tell you...i cant wait to have the next one!!! all walks of life come saleing...some serious ones like the man wearing the "just looking" button on his jacket to the first timers, to the neighbors that come by to taunt you in jest, to the shady level 3 types who pull up in their blue, windowless van - keeping it running mind you who was eating a brownie at 9 am...kind of makes you wonder what kind of brownie it was...he had a giant beard like the unibomber and was wearing a quilted, flannel shirt and a black watch cap...complete with the tags still on it...SO SUPER SHADY!! and then there were all of the cheapies driving around in their lexus mini-vans looking for crap to buy just because it was cheap!! i you need more crap? but i got rid of my crap so that's all i care about!!!

we made about i was happy... and it was a fun, college like day hanging out with neighbors and friends. eating munchkins and drinking coffee, sitting in folding chairs, watching the scene while listening to classic rock, drinking at noon and ordering dominos delivery...

does it get better than that?

oh did i mention that boobah slept for most of it? she took 2 2.5 hour naps! SUCH A GOOD GIRL!!

Friday, May 13, 2005

The Lifeguard

swim was a great success today!! she didn't cry and really seemed to enjoy herself. we always go early so boobah can just relax and get settled. we watch the bluehairs finish up their water aerobics while listening to the beach boys. so as we're sitting there...the lifeguard looked over our way - surveying the pool - not us...and i see him smile and i look down and kendall has flashed him a HUGE tootless grin. i cracked up...thinking to myself 'my daughter is flirting with the lifeguard'! i just cracked up...she is too much sometimes!! gotta love her...

Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Matriarch

ww went as i expected it to yesterday...i just had a heavy week...this week WILL be better...

after the meeting...we went to meet Dr. Matriarch for we do almost every week. she's always obnoxiously early so when i pull up and i don't see her Caddy in the handicap spot (that she uses with her dead husband's handicap shield) i worry. i think...oh no she's fallen and she can't get up. or she's pulling another insurance fraud scheme. or she's taken off to vegas to buy a condo only to be heard from 4 times a year (in my dreams). but turns out that she just plain forgot about the boobah and me. so i sit there..and the hostess asks me where she is...because we go there weekly so the Doctah can order her broiled, chopped sirloin...done medium...hold the veggies - extra mashed potatoes and extra mushroom sauce on the side. oh and don't forget the coffee with cream and water with lemon. (waitstaff hate her) so i call her and she says "im on my way back to the cape!" i say...ok..well im waiting for you at the restaurant! shes very apologetic but im still pissed. now i know everyone forgets stuff...and thats all fine and good. but my compassion for her has long since passed and i dont feel very forgiving.

the problem is that shes so narcistic that she can't possibly understand how much work it takes to get out of the house these days. and i dont mean to run up the street to cvs. i mean to get out of the house for hours at a time. so as i sit there in the entrance to the restaurant about to leave with boobah, the stroller, the food bag, the diaper bag, the portable highchair and me...i think...screw i stayed and had a lovely lunch alone with my bubba. she says "i'll make it up to you" - translation...i'll buy you something so you'll know how much i love you...because in her head money=love.

well...duh! of course it does!! (good thing im not sarcastic) ;)

the way it was

i anxiously wait for boobah to wake up so that i can head to my WW meeting. only to hop on the scale and have my heart stop for that one brief second in the hopes that the woman behind the counter will look up at me and smile and say CONGRATULATIONS you've lost another X number of lbs!! you must have had a good week! but im feeling heavy today so i'm more counting on the following response "are your sunglasses heavy?" translation...maybe if you took them off of your head i could shave off a milli-tenth of a pound so you wouldn't feel like such a failure this week. because didn't lose anything. oh and by the way...i suggest you lay off the brownie sundaes...even if it was mother's day!

but i digress...

i feel guilty for most likely having to go up and wake the boobah so that i can make it to the meeting and weigh in on time...but ive got another 30 minutes or so before i have to do that and she's already been asleep for an hour. so i guess i won't feel that bad. i suppose it's not as bad as my mother. who would routinely pick me up from elementary school and plop me on a barstool at My Place - this seedy, dark, mostly-windowless establishment at 3 in the afternoon. i really didn't know any better. i just thought that all kids got to gorge themselves silly on all the Shirley Temples and potato sticks they could. but what did i know...i was only in the second grade!!

but then i think...hmmmm...WW meeting vs. dive bar...

its a clear choice...but alas...i still feel bad...i feel bad because it's doing something that i need to do for me...but i also overanalyze everything that involves her because i want it to all be great for her...and not be about me...but she the blue hairs go nuts over her as do the other moms that go to this meeting so she's still the bell of the ball ;)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

leash laws

so as boobah sits here and chews on her Cheerios and these wooden letters that we originally bought for billydog's leash rack i think...does it get any better than this? as she babbles mamamamamamamamama...over and over and heart just melts. last night was night 2 in her crib. she's been doing quite well - i dont think she really knows the difference b/c she's been napping in there for months anyway. the difference sleeping through the night much better. i dont wake everytime she rolls over or scootches around. it's nice...really =)

in other news...the puppy party over the weekend was insane. 8 puppies from the rescue organization were here and all of them were mostly spoken for. they are so cute and i can't wait to have our new addition! we MUST be insane brining another helpless soul into the house but we figure...WHY NOT? it can't be any more chaotic around here...can it? ;)

her name will be Kate...Kate Spade to be exact...i wanted it to be Coco Chanel but that was nixed. my husband - albeit sensitive, fabulous, allowing...etc. had to put his foot down on that Kate Spade it is...Katie, Katherine the'll all go great so we'll have Prince William and Katherine the Great...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Fashion Victim

and just for the record...

i'm highly offended by old school, high waisted, rolled up, dirty dancing style, denim shorts worn at the gym...most especially with white socks and large floppy sneakers...

DENIM SHORTS???? they are almost as offensive as overalls...

im not saying you have to be a fashionista to sweat it out...but c'mon now!!!!

that's today's fashion victim update...i see them surrounded by them...but that's what happens when you're a maven...

Friday, May 06, 2005

dog food eating baby

so who would have thought a 7 month old would eat dog food with such a feverous pitch!??? she was too cute and totally knew what she was up to.

you know that 'its too quiet' sound? where there's no sound at all? yeah...thats what i heard when i turned around to see her face hovering over bill's bowl with a mouth full of kibble! she had the biggest shit eating grin on her face as if to say "thanks for the snacks mom!!". so proud of herself! so as i laugh hysterically and walk towards her to stop her she grabs another handful and stuffs it in those hamster cheeks of hers! i mean does a 7 month old know how to be defiant? so i pick her up and bring her to the sink so i can scoop the food out and she's giggling and im laughing wiping her mouth. just when i thought i got it all out...she pulls a piece from the back of her a psych patient hiding their pills and starts chewing on it...again!! ahhahahahhah! oh she is too clever.

thankfully the boy didn't catch her or he would have given us his walking papers! there's a strict code of conduct and since there was no paperwork submitted regarding the 7 month old eating his food...we would have been in violation of the conduct code. and oh the trouble that would have ensued. it's bad enough that we're having a 'puppy party' here today to visit with his new potential sister and her other siblings. rain - rain go away!! the puppies want to romp in the yard today!!

ps - i dedicate this to my fabulous new mommy friend who inspired me from the moment i met her...