Tuesday, July 12, 2005

im a believer

some days i cant believe how very lucky i am. i force myself daily to stop and look at my life and think...this is my life. and i wouldnt want to change ANYTHING about it.

see this is why i don't keep a journal. i started this post on june 23rd and i'm just getting back to it today. well...i suppose that's what it's all about. just writing when the moment strikes you.

lots has been going on....boobah has sprouted 3 teeth with another one on the way. i think on top...we've stopped nursing. much to my chagrin. im very sad about it but trying to push through it by hyper organizing my house and life. i clean and clean and clean and organize and launder and walk and swim. and it all helps take my mind off it.

im in DIRE DIRE need of some retail therapy but dont have the money to satisfy my need. so i continue to clean and clean and clean and organize and launder and walk and swim.

oh and i drink the Turbo Ice Coffee from DD. it's what gets me through the day. that and a couple of motrin. it all takes the edge off.

im beyond lucky to have kaye, sheree, and nita. my mommy friends without whom the days would SUCK. we get together at least 2 times a week if not more and its just such a nice way to break up the day and to have that necessary interaction that we all need. for the kids but also for each other.