its been an 'interesting' week. my boobah girl turns 1 next week and she's nothing short of an absolute doll. she's walking, babbling, playing and all in all being very charming every second of every day. just when we thought our lives couldn't get any better...or any busier...SURPRISE...
here's my story...
since boobah stopped nursing 3 months ago ive been feeling extremely anxious and nervous. ALL THE TIME. and sleepless. very sleepless. i was dozing for about 3-4 hours each night. but not in a row. at least i could have dealt with that. so i let it go thinking it was b/c of the hormones working their way out of my body post-nursing. so i kept thinking '
this too shall pass' and it's just normal and not to worry.
but i was worried. it didnt make sense to me. so i finally finally called the dr and made an appt with our FABULOUS NP Megan T. For 2 weeks from when i called. I figured...I can wait that long. So 2 weeks came and went and vioila I was talking to Megan about all of this on Wednesday, September 21st.
I told her all of my symptoms and she came to the logical conclusion. I was stressed. Overly stressed. So she prescribed me Lexipro to take the edge off for a few months and then we'd revisit this and see how I was doing. I was on-board and ready to start. Considering I'd taken Celexa a few years ago, I knew that it would definitely help. I also mentioned a couple of other minor things that were bothering me.
1. I hadn't gotten my period since I stopped nursing. (or at all for that matter since having the baby)
2. I couldn't hear out of my left ear.
So...they tried unsuccessfully to flush my ear out and told me to go get drops and to come back on Friday, September 23rd. I think great...I'll be calm and able to hear in no time.
She also wanted to be safe and draw blood to check a few basic things (iron, WBC, RBC, pregnancy...mind you...i've been on the pill since I had Boobah 12 months ago) and to make sure my thyriod was working correctly. She was thinking in some off chance that might have been to blame for my hormone imbalance.
Friday morning Boobah and I go to the grocery store around 8. We came back around 9 and ther was a message from Nurse Mary asking me if I can call them back. Hmmmm...I think. How odd. So I call and Mary asks if I can come in 15 minutes early (mind appt isn't until 1:00) to
'discuss my test results'. I'm thinking...if this crazy lady is thinking that I'm waiting 4 hours to
'discuss my test results' she is sadly, sadly mistaken. So I say...
'Mary, have you seen my results?'
She said that she had not. I asked for Megan to call me because I would have gone mental waiting to find out what was horribly wrong with me and how large the tumor was.
So I'm pacing my house and Megan calls. She sounds somber. I start to shake on the phone with her and sit down on my bed bracing for the worst. Convo goes as follows:
me: Megan - what is wrong with me?Megan:'re fine. You're pregnant. And I'm estimating you're anywhere between 5-12
and i started hysterically crying. I was in such shock.
Megan: I know you're very surprised. I am in shock as well. This is the last thing I expected to see on these test results. me:more crying...
Megan: Stop taking the Lexipro and the pill. Come in today at 3 and we'll examine
I call Sarah and my husband and am just shellshocked. Hubby comes home a little after that and we all go to the drs office where I am welcomed with pitty party smiles and waves. So they show me the lab results. The hormone levels of someone who is newly pregnant are around 5-10...
i was at
43,000I then had an internal exam. Megan then estimated that based on the size of my uterus...I was roughly 16 weeks along.
Mind you...i'm still in shock.
So they set me up with an U/S @ MWH for Monday. I go in on Monday and they tell me that based on the measurements of the baby I am indeed 15 weeks and 5 days along. Making today (Friday, September 30th) the first day of my 16th week.
The baby is fine. There is a lovely heartbeat and everything looked great. They are even 95% sure it's a boy. Which is pretty cool. I am one week later and the news has slowly started to seep in and the shock isn't so overpowering now.
Boobah and mini-boobah will be 16 months apart. I'm due March 16th.
Oh btw...Not only was I on the pill all this time BUT I was also nursing when I conceived.
A big ole thumbs up the the UNIVERSE. Apparently it was sick and tired of me saying that we only wanted one child and that we were sure we were done having any more kids.
In the famous words of Nelson Muntz...